What Challenges Does Growth Services Solve?
In our previous post, we discussed how changing customer expectations have impacted manufacturers' sales, marketing, and customer service processes. It's no longer enough to follow the old B2B model and rely on only traditional, broad marketing techniques like catalogs and trade shows; today's manufacturers have to adapt to the more personalized expectations of today's clientele.
In addition, manufacturers still have to find sales leads, convert customers, optimize their sales processes, and keep their customers engaged and satisfied. Growth Marketing can help manufacturing companies overcome these long-standing challenges as well as adapt to the shift in customer expectations.
Table of Contents:
Challenges Growth Hacking Services Solve
Lack of Structured Sales Process
No Customer Self-Service Options
What exactly can Growth Services help solve? We'll examine those areas in this post.
Key Takeaway:
- Growth Services help manufacturers generate more leads, increase engagement with prospects and customers, optimize sales processes and performance, enhance their web presences, and use digital tools to meet the needs of modern customers.
6 Challenges Growth Hacking Services Solve
If you're struggling with any of these challenges, Growth Services may be exactly what you need:
1. Lead Generation
Interestingly, 85% of B2B marketers say that lead generation is the most important part of content marketing. [Source: Content Marketing Institute] And that makes sense; without leads, sales slow to a trickle. However, finding leads can be expensive and time-consuming. And no one wants to be in a situation where there are not enough leads for the sales team.
2. Customer/Prospect Engagement
Before or after a sale, it's vital to create a relationship with contacts; you want to be viewed as a partner and a trusted source of information and help. But without proper background on each contact, reps may struggle to engage with their audience and may ultimately fail to convert or retain them.
3. Customer Acquisition
The next stop on the sales journey is customer acquisition, but moving a customer from a cold lead to a warm lead to an actual customer is tricky – and expensive. Too much attention can be off-putting; too little contact can leave room for the competition. Yet, converting customers is crucial to business longevity.
4. Client Engagement
After the deal is closed, clients still require nurturing, ongoing support, and continued contact. It's vital to be able to identify happy vs. unhappy customers and create a targeted approach to each segment. This is one of the areas where a more B2C-like approach is becoming important.
5. Lack of Structured Sales Process
Your sales reps might be pros, but that doesn't mean they don't need guidance and support. A poorly-organized sales process is inefficient at best; it's much easier for leads, prospects, and clients to slip through the cracks and for opportunities to go unrecognized when there's no documented sales process in place.
6. Unsatisfactory Web Presence
According to Marketo, 68% of businesses use website landing pages to generate leads. But your website has to be more than just functional; customers will turn to it to research your company and products and ultimately decide if you're someone they want to do business with.
7. No Customer Self-Service Options
Currently, about 50% of the US workforce is a digital native – someone who grew up using technology and the Internet. As such, they're used to the speed and convenience of self-service portals. With Gen Z entering the workforce, we can expect this comfort with technology to increase; companies that don't offer self-service options may well find themselves outpaced.
This can all add up to a lack of competitive advantage; if another company offers the customer experience that your prospect wants, that's whom they'll choose: 43% of American consumers value customer service over price, and 65% rank experience over advertising, and we can expect similar attitudes in their business activities. [Source: PwC]
Up Next: How Does Growth Hacking Help Solve Manufacturing Sales Challenges?
As you looked at the above areas, did you think that perhaps there's a connection – i.e. that a lackluster website could be part of your lead generation problem or that your client engagement and satisfaction ratings might be negatively impacted by your sales follow-up process? You'd be absolutely right; improvements in one area can spill over into others. So, how does Growth Services actually help solve these problems?
Over the coming weeks, we'll answer that question in detail. In our next post, we'll start by giving you an overview of the benefits Growth Services can provide. Following that, we'll take an in-depth look into every aspect of Growth Services for the Michigan manufacturing community. Join us!